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A B O U T  M E



Driving over the top of the South Downs on the way to our new home. Having lived in a city for the past six years, I had grown tired of the buildings and over crowded streets. I was ready to escape.


I was blissfully unaware of just how much countryside surrounded Eastbourne and hadn’t even contemplated the coastline that lie in wait. Staring out of that window as the sunlight danced across the rolling hills, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. As soon as I was able I climbed to the top of the downs, with camera in hand and started to explore. I have never looked back.


Since then I have visited almost every stretch of coastline and climbed every hill the South East has to offer. I have enjoyed every minute of getting to know my local area, learning how the terrain changes throughout the year and still get the same thrill each time I stumble across something new.


Everytime I leave my house I stare up at the sky and wonder what Mother Nature will have in store for me today. What shapes the clouds will form and what the sunlight might bring to life. The excitement has never left my side and a slow canter often turns into a mad sprint when the conditions promise and the location nears.


I have always aimed to capture how I see the world, and have tried to get across the feelings I’ve experienced whilst being on location. I love bad weather and would favour dark brooding clouds over a blue sky any day. I feel oddly more connected to the landscape when the rain is pouring than when the sun is shining.


I haven’t been entering competitions for long, but have been fortunate enough to do well in a few over recent years. I have also had my work featured in various publications, including Outdoor Photography, N-Photo, Digital SLR and Amateur Photographer magazine.



Landscape Photographer of the Year 2023 – highly commended

Outdoor Photography magazine - interview

World Landscape Photographer - seascapes runner up

Natuur fotografie magazine - portfolio feature

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 – commended

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2021 – commended

Wex Photographer of the Year 2021 – runner up

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018 – Fujifilm prize winner

Landscape Photographer of the Year 2018 – 2x commended

Amateur Photographer magazine - front cover and technique article

Outdoor Photography magazine – reader gallery winner

Digital SLR magazine – spotlight feature

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